TV Pilot 'OUTLIaRS' premieres at the 2022 'Catalyst Story Institute'

Excited to announce our TV pilot ‘OUTLIaRS’ got into HBO’s 2022 ‘CatalyStories’ (notable guests this year include Tina Fey and David Letterman among others). As one of the few well-known TV fests in the country, we are over the moon. This team of artist worked incredibly hard on this micro-budget project.

Message from writer, director and actress Maia Henkin:

“Loosely based on the Greek tragedy of Orestes and Electra, I’m excited to present our trailer for “Outli(a)rs”, a pilot that I wrote, directed, and acted in, coming soon!

Pilot trailer:

More information on the ‘Catalyst Story Institute’ can be found at

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